


Republic A Great Place for Music 

Lots of energy last night at Republic in Takoma Park.  A very professional gig.  The place is warm and eclecitic with terrific food.  The audience was fantastic and special thanks to our sound guy who gave us some of the best sound we've ever had!  Can't wait to get back in November.  Stay tuned!

Golden Bull A Success! 

 Thanks everyone for coming out to see NoBiz "up county" at the Golden Bull.  Sound was great and we're planning a return in November!

Welcome Ray! 

 Nobiz is thrilled to have Ray Thibodeaux on board as our new bass player. Come out and hear Ray rock out!

State Theatre Rocks! 

 Awesome sound, busy dance floor and burgers brought to the Green Room.  Thanks State Theatre!  Great venue!  We're ready for Grassroots Gala 3 in 2017!

We had a great time at Hill Country !  

Thanx to all our loyal fans who made it to HILL COUNTRY Tuesday night to cheer us on. We much appreciate the support, especially considering it was a late gig on a school night. The consensus was that this was one of the band’s top outings …owing to a rigorous rehearsal schedule, top-notch professional sound (thanx Jason!) and the prodigious talents of the NOBODY’S BUSINESS SINGERS, Louise Wise and Lisa Moore. Much appreciated ladies! And let’s do this again soon. HILL COUNTRY is a first-rate venue, so we’d love to go back there – and late afternoon Wednesday there was good news on that front too. Booker Wil Gravatt reported “great reviews” from the whole HILL COUNTRY staff, and said he wanted to book us again for a Thursday… or even a weekend! We’re very pumped about this, not least because it gives those of you who didn't come out another chance to see us at a really nice venue.

Meanwhile, onward to the Bannockburn Festival!

Mark your calendar for the NB's late September and early October dates 

We're looking forward to two gigs at the end of September and early October.  

First, we'll be at Hill Country Barbeque on Tuesday, September 27.  in case you haven't yet been by or heard about it yet, Hill Country is a wonderful new, authentic Austin-style barbeque and live music venue downtown in the lively Penn Quarter area at 7th and D Streets.  It's always good to get a little taste of Texas, and the Austin attitude toward live music is about as good as it gets.  We're psyched to get a booking there and we're going to use the time between now and then to work on some new material and sharpen some of the old favorites.  We'll also be hitting up all our friends to come out on a school night for some great barbeque and live music.  It's a great venue for the NBs, and we're hoping the club managers agree, so come on out and support us!  

Then, on Saturday, October 1, we'll return to the Bannockburn Community Club for a (first annual?) outdoor music festival featuring a wide range of bands with ties to the community.  We're hoping for some typical, awesome early October weather, and are looking forward to enjoying all the bands that take the stage starting early afternoon and going into the evening.  Local home brewers will be sharing their craft, and proceeds go to maintaining the community clubhouse.  We hope a lot of you can make it out to this family friendly event!  

Meanwhile, have a wonderful summer, stay cool, and make sure to get out to hear some live music whenever you can!

- the No Biz Bunch

Great Fun at Jounopalooza III 

Those of you who came out, thank you, but your real reward was the night of great music.  So much talent, so little time.   Next year, let's make it a all-day festival !

Anyway, if you missed it, we hope we'll have some video to show sooner rather than later, so you can get a sense of the whole kit and kaboodle sounds like;  Nobody's Business, with Mel singing, Nobody's Horns and the Nobizettes !  We had 12 people up on stage sounded pretty sweet.

We hope that we can find another venue that can accomdate the whole package.  But then, we still haven't gotten our marketing act together enough to find even a more modest room.  But we're phyched now, so look out DC !!!

All the best,

-The Nobiz gang

Long time, no post 

Sorry.  We know, in theory, that a website does need maintainence.  Attention, even.  Enagagement would be even better.   So, there's hope for us.  We know that we need to get better.

Anyway, we have new tunes on the site, representing our new demo with Mel.  We think it sounds great, but we're awfully prejudiced.  So be kind.

We're coming up on our 3rd Journopalooza this Jan 21.  Do come on out and help support a good cause (and us, incidentally. They're really going to have a battle of the Journo bands, so we need your votes). 

And after that, out with the demo door to door with club-owners until we get some open-venue gigs where we can actually play for you folks. (Of course, we do love all the private parties and weddings, too, but every now and then there's nothing like a good rowdy bar.  R.I.P Grog and Tankard)

So.  Stay tuned...and we'll send out info as it develops.


The NoBiz Bunch

Don't go anywhere folks, we'll be right back after the break... 

Well, you had to know that it was going to work out this way.  Right after our two big January gigs, Jonathan was sent on a one-month assignment to Afghanistan, so the band is taking some quiet time.  Look for us in March, after he get back, and look for his byline on McClatchy ( for some high-class reporting from the world's front lines.  Stay safe, Jonathan.  See you soon.